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Nonprofit Resources

Is your nonprofit organization looking for information on budgeting, tax planning or audit committees? Are you looking for a dynamic speaker on financial topics, or need advice on financial issues? Let Virginia CPAs help! As part of our efforts to improve the financial health of Virginians, the VSCPA offers a wealth of resources, including programs to connect volunteer CPAs with your organization or company as a community service.

VSCPA Nonprofit Resource Guides

Thank you to the VSCPA member volunteers from PBMares for their assistance with the 2022 nonprofit guide update.


VSCPA Speakers & CPA Volunteers

The VSCPA helps arrange for Virginia CPAs to speak to various audiences — from schoolchildren to retirees — on topics related to money management and basic financial responsibility. Topic examples include nonprofit issues, financial literacy/planning, small business advice, accounting education and careers, and more. Email VSCPA Executive Assistant Julie Chamberlain or call (804) 612-9416 for more information.