October 24, 2023
Wendy Lewis, CPA
Chair Virginia Board of Accountancy
9960 Mayland Drive, Ste. 402
Richmond, VA 23233
Dear Ms. Lewis:
As the VBOA along with NASBA and the other state boards of accountancy continue to address challenges related to the CPA pipeline the VSCPA, and the Virginia CPA firms, support the initiative to reinstate credit to CPA Exam candidates for sections successfully earned during 2020-2023 but lost during the COVID-19 pandemic. We understand the NASBA Board of Directors is recommending state boards of accountancy extend lapsed examination credits encourage CPA candidates to re-enter their career paths to becoming CPAs, and as key stakeholders within the profession, we strongly encourage the VBOA to grant this extension.
We support the exam reprieve as a logical and practical move that will encourage qualified CPA candidates to continue their professional journey, while maintaining the high standards of rigor required by passing the CPA Exam. By recognizing the unusual challenges of the recent pandemic, we are enabling future CPAs to come back into the pipeline, while still protecting the public.
The firms represented in this letter encourage the VBOA to take the recommended action to grant reprieve to candidates impacted by the pandemic, and you are welcome to share our support with state boards of accountancy across the country. We commend the state boards of accountancy and NASBA for addressing this unique challenge in a creative manner that benefits both the public and the CPA profession.
We appreciate your consideration of our input on this issue. Please feel free to contact me or VSCPA Vice President, Advocacy Emily Walker, CAE, at (804) 612-9428 or [email protected] if we can be of further assistance.
CPA Firms supporting CPA Exam Credit Relief Initiative of Oct. 24, 2023
- Brown, Edwards & Company, LLP
- Harris, Hardy & Johnstone, P.C.
- Myers and Stauffer LC
- Wall, Einhorn & Chernitzer
- WellsColeman
- Yount, Hyde & Barbour