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2022 VSCPA Compensation & Benefits Survey

Comp and benefits

The VSCPA has completed the findings of its 2022 Compensation & Benefits Survey, conducted in November and December 2022 in partnership with Whorton Marketing & Research. The purpose of this confidential survey is to provide competitive salary and benefit information for Virginia so organizations can make informed decisions around talent and staffing strategies.

NEW THIS YEAR: We’ve added in corporate finance, government and nonprofit data to for a holistic view of the accounting marketplace in Virginia.

The survey measured salaries across the state at all levels of employment, including breakdowns by geographic region, and investigated other issues related to benefits like paid leave and insurance. Other questions touched on remote work, outsourcing solutions, and turnover. Each participant received a free copy of this biennial report and we are also happy to offer it for purchase ($199 for members/$249 for nonmembers).

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Purchase the report

The report is available for purchase ($199 for members, $249 for nonmembers) to all non-participating firms and companies, and you can access a complimentary copy of the Executive Summary.

To purchase, call the VSCPA at (800) 733-8272. Have questions about the survey? Email Laura Cobb, CAE, VSCPA director of innovation & member engagement.

Complimentary copy for participants

All organizations and members that participated in the survey received a free copy of the comprehensive report. If you participated and have not yet received it, contact Laura Cobb, CAE, VSCPA director of innovation & member engagement.