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Letter to AICPA ASB on amendment to AU-C Section 935

May 6, 2022

Sherry Hazel
Amendment to AU-C section 935
AICPA Auditing Standards Board

Submitted via e-mail to [email protected]

Re: Invitation to Comment on AU-C Section 935

Dear Ms. Hazel:

The Virginia Society of CPAs (VSCPA) Accounting & Auditing Advisory Committee has reviewed the Exposure Draft for the Proposed Statement on Auditing Standards, Amendment to AU-C Section 935. The VSCPA is a leading professional association dedicated to enhancing the success of all CPAs and their profession by communicating information and vision, promoting professionalism, and advocating members’ interests. The VSCPA membership consists of more than 13,000 individual members who actively work in public accounting, private industry, government and education. We appreciate the work the AICPA has undertaken on this effort and the opportunity to respond to this Exposure Draft.

Overall, we support the proposed amendments to AU-C Section 935. We believe the proposed amendments are appropriate and complete. The additional language identifying paragraphs that are not applicable to a compliance audit is helpful to those in public practice and consistent with SAS 142 and 145. We also believe the effective date of the proposed amendments are clear.

Again, the Committee appreciates the opportunity to respond to this Exposure Draft. Please direct any questions or concerns to VSCPA Vice President, Advocacy Emily Walker, CAE, at [email protected] or (804) 612-9428.


George Crowell, CPA
2021–2022 Chair
VSCPA Accounting & Auditing Advisory Committee 

2021-22 VSCPA Accounting & Auditing Advisory Committee 

George Crowell, CPA — Chair 
Zach Borgerding, CPA — Vice Chair
Scott Davis, CPA 
Tamara Greear, CPA
Josh Keene, CPA 
Nick Kinsler, CPA 
Daniel Martin, CPA 
Michael Phillips, CPA 
Chris Smith-Christian, CPA 
Charles Valadez, CPA 
Natalya Yashina, CPA